Why Work With Us
At Helmick & Company Wealth Advisors, we believe that the primary reason you should consider working with us can be found in the following six benefits we bring to all of our client relationships.

We help you organize and track your finances. Together we create a comprehensive picture of your financial assets, liabilities, cash flow, taxes, savings, insurance and estate. This process also creates a catalog of where your important documents are located if they need to be accessed in the event of disability or death.

We help you define your financial goals and encourage you to follow through on those commitments. While many financial goals may seem out of reach, we will help you create a routine that makes them a reality.

No financial decision should be made without understanding the risks, options, and implications associated with each choice. We believe in the constant pursuit of learning to provide the best outcomes for our clients. By sharing the knowledge we have accumulated over many years, we make our clients better consumers, help them avoid making unfortunate decisions, and achieve better financial outcomes.

We are the objective third party that helps clients avoid making emotionally driven financial decisions. We also play the role of unbiased third party that helps families work through disagreement in regard to finances.

From investment risk to insurance coverage, we help create a more certain future by evaluating, planning, and providing resources to combat threats to your financial plan.

In all of our relationships, we wish to be an advocate and ally for our clients. We partner with our clients to understand their needs and objectives, working collaboratively and in their best interest to reach their goals.